Monday, May 14, 2012

Introducing MyCare

Every day, we hear stories of hard-working people struggling with the old health care system, like being denied care when they need it most or making choices between buying groceries and filling their prescription drugs. The good news is that things are changing because of the health care law, the Affordable Care Act.

For Steven, the law helped him get coverage under his parents� health plan, which helped him fight cancer and finish college. And it gave Steven�s mom greater peace of mind that her son was getting the care he needed to be healthy and live the life of an active 23 year-old. Helen, a Senior in the �donut hole� coverage gap, got help with her prescription drug costs and can now get preventive health screenings without breaking the bank.

These are just a few examples of how everyday Americans are no longer at the mercy of insurance companies; these are our friends and neighbors. Thanks to �Steven-Care,� many young adults can get covered under their parents� health plans, and thanks to �Helen-Care,� Seniors are getting help paying for prescription drugs.

To help explain what different parts of the health law mean for people, like Steven and Helen, we are launching �MyCare� � featuring new videos about people from across the country who have been affected by the law.

You can find the videos at

After watching each video, we encourage you to share your story � in your own words or images � about how parts of the law may have helped you. Post your story on twitter with the hashtag #MyCare, or share your story at

Feel free to get creative, and share stories, photos, or even videos.

The health care law is about people like Steven and Helen. It is about your care, and it is about my care.

See all MyCare stories ?

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